Back before aliases defined types used to be called named types, which 
permitted the existence of unnamed types.


is an unnamed type

type Dictionary map[string]string

is a named type, its name is Dictionary 

And the rules of assignment permitted assignment from or to an unnamed type.

On Tuesday, 3 October 2017 06:26:44 UTC+11, Christian Surlykke wrote:
> Forgive me if this has been asked before. I've not been able to find a 
> diskussion about it.
> A snippet like this
> type AppleCount uint32
> var i uint32 = 7
> var ac AppleCount = i
> will fail to compile with an error like:
> cannot use i (type uint32) as type AppleCount in assignment
> OTOH code like this:
> type Dictionary map[string]string
> var m map[string]string = make(map[string]string)
> var d Dictionary = m
> compiles just fine.
> There is this about type definitions in The Go Programming Language 
> Specification:
> *A type definition creates a new, distinct type with the same underlying 
> type and operations as the given type, and binds an identifier to it.*
> TypeDef = identifier Type .
> *The new type is called a defined type. It is different from any other 
> type, including the type it is created from.*
> which I would take to mean that the second snippet should be invalid. 
> Is this a bug or 'working as intended'? If it's working as intended, can 
> anyone explain the reasoning behind this?
> br. Christian Surlykke

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