On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 1:33 PM, Alex Buchanan <bucha...@ohsu.edu> wrote:
> Ok, that's a great explanation, thanks. Do you have a recommendation for how 
> to exit early? Would StdoutPipe() help? I tried setting Setpgid to true, but 
> probably os/exec doesn't pay attention to process groups.
> Alternatively, I can configure my shell scripts to close stdout/err on exit? 
> Not pretty, but might work.
> My best approach so far is to use time.After and panic, instead of context. 
> This code is being used in a test, so panic is somewhat acceptable.

I would say that CommandContext is really only useful for simple
programs, not for shell scripts.  So using time.After seems reasonable
to me.


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