Ian Davis! Thank you, this is worked!

2017-09-29 9:29 GMT+02:00 Ian Davis <m...@iandavis.com>:

> Try setting r.LazyQuotes=true
> On Thu, 28 Sep 2017, at 09:56 PM, Lantos István wrote:
> I want to parse the following CSV structure. The column separators are
> tabs:
> *package main*
> *import (*
> *    "encoding/csv"*
> *    "fmt"*
> *    "log"*
> *    "strings"*
> *)*
> *func main() {*
> *    in := `This    "is" not    fun`*
> *    r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(in))*
> *    r.Comma = '\t'*
> *    records, err := r.ReadAll()*
> *    if err != nil {*
> *        log.Fatal(err)*
> *    }*
> *    fmt.Print(records)*
> *}*
> Google Playground <https://play.golang.org/p/ZZ5t-lvfaK>
> There is a tab after *This* and before *fun*. Between *"is"* and* not*
> there is only a space. This should be one column. I  setted the column
> separator with* r.Comma ="\t"*, but for some reason I'm getting the
> following error:
> *line 1, column 8: extraneous " in field*
> Is there a way to achieve what I want?
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