On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 09:56:59AM -0700, CampNowhere wrote:
> I am a C developer and am trying to pick up Go.
> My question is this. C doesn't "care" about truthfulness, it just cares 
> about zero and non-zero when evaluating a logical AND operator. So 
> something like the following in C is totally kosher:
> int a = 10;
> int b = 20;
> while(a && b)
> {
>     do_something();
> }
> However, Go requires blloean values used with the logical AND operator ... 
> so my necessary code change for Go implementation becomes the following: 
> var a,b int = 10,20
> for (a != 0) && (b != 0) {
>     do_something()
> }
> Is doing things this way absolutely necessary? It seems a lot clunkier and 
> less elegant.

I disagree.  Go approach is a lot clearer.

Why 10 is true?  Why -42 is true?  Why a float NaN is true?

That can even boild down to reading the code as plain English.
"while a and b do something" is of dubious readability compared to
"while a is not zero and b is not zero do something".

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