On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 2:41 PM, Tim Uckun <timuc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >I *like* the way go does error passing, *because* it's constrained to
> handle errors explicitly.
> But it doesn't though. You can completely ignore the errors if you want. >

This seems to be, at best, a nit-picky uncharitable reading of what I
wrote. The context here isn't on whether the compiler should enforce error
checks or not, but what the error passing mechanism should be (also note
the difference between "being constrained to smth" and "being forced to do

Derailing isn't a particularly good strategy for a discussion, if your
objective is to convince the other party.

I was proposing that there should be a language construct called errors.
> This would be an array. As exceptions are raised the program would push the
> errors into this array. At any time you could examine the array to see if
> there were errors and if so what they were. When I said "err.pop" I was
> indicating that the program would remove the latest error from the stack to
> examine it and act on it.

FTR, this isn't a good design (leaving the actual question here, whether we
need a new/separate/less explicit error passing mechanism aside). It means
that a function can now "return" anything between 0 and infinitely many
errors with no way to know statically which. For example

func Foo() {
    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
        f := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("%d.txt", i))
        if f != nil { f.Close() }

How would a caller of Foo know how many errors to pop? Or the caller of the
caller of Foo?

But again, bikeshedding about how an implicit error passing mechanism would
look isn't particularly useful, until there is an agreement that it's
needed. So far, there doesn't seem to be a consensus on that (and that
doesn't seem to be due to a lack of proposals).

This would eliminate a lot of boilerplate but conceptually be the same kind
> of error handling. Instead of returning a value, err pair you simply return
> the value or you raise an exception.  The called can check if an error was
> raised by calling some method to indicate whether or not the errors array
> is empty.
> For example
> x = someMethod()
> // if there was an error in there it would populate the array but we don't
> have to explicitly receive the err in the return.
> ifErr {
>    // fetch the error
>     err = errors.pop()
>    something()
> }
> Something like that.
> I also realize that sometimes you may want to halt the app on errors so
> there should be a way to bypass this by some kind of declaration.

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