I asked this on a relevant dep tool issue
<https://github.com/golang/dep/issues/174> but I haven't heard a reply and
wanted to see if anyone here has some insight...

I've just started trying out dep in an internal project that is currently
using glide. Similar to glide, I really can't use the "init" command. It
causes issues between the internal gitlab server deps and the external deps
in combination with auth/proxies/etc. For instance, if set my shell up to
use the proxy, I can talk to the external endpoints but not the internal,
and if I disable the proxy I can talk to my internal gitlab but not the
external endpoints. So I accepted that and just wrote an equivalent
Gopkg.toml for dep, manually. But now I am finding that, unlike "glide up",
the "ensure" command wants to hit the "?go-get=1" http endpoints for the
internal gitlab projects, even though I have specified the "source" for all
of these. Why is that? I was hoping to answer that question for the tool,
but now I seem to be stuck between getting it to work for the external deps
vs the internal deps, but never the both at once.

Is there a way to specify enough information for the internal dependencies
that can get this working? Is anyone using the dep tool in a similar
situation for internal projects?


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