On Sun, 27 Aug 2017 17:28:07 +0000
Jesper Louis Andersen <jesper.louis.ander...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The advantage of having the extra syntactic abstraction in a language is
> not something you would tend to dismiss too easily I think. While it
> filters away some contributors from the code base, it also, on the flip
> side, makes  programmers work more efficiently.

It filters out *all* contributors who are not in the 'more experienced' set.
It allows that few who are already more experienced to *write* faster, but
every man-second gained at writing is then lost and negated just at
second read (i.e. peer review). Also, with 'feature rich' languages a man-hour
gain for one experienced programmer easily becomes a whole-team-week
lost at first debug session.

> However, I don't think the inspiration should be C#, Java or C++. I'd
> rather look toward

Every one of us would rather look toward already internalized constructs
of former/first love. Go authors are good at fending us off that urges :)

> The advantage of having the extra syntactic abstraction in a language is
> not something you would tend to dismiss too easily I think.

On contrary I am happy to dismiss horrors of hours of digging in huge
pile of sources just to grasp how clever and experienced my predecessor
was. With go almost everything written by others is clear and in sight.
What is not right in sight is a single incantation of go doc away.

Wojciech S. Czarnecki
 << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE

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