Thanks for the responses.

I will try a few options and see what fit best.

For a bit of context I’m making a script to check if the entire toolchain 
needed to build a project is present on the machine. The script checks for 
node/npm, Go, GCC and a few other tools (like go-bindata eg.). The real 
challenge (atm) is minimum required versions and that this must run on Windows, 
Linux and macOS. A pragmatic solution would be to cut this effort short and 
have the team accept “if build fails, check that this list of tools is 
installed” (it is a <10 ppl team). Another option I’m toying is having the 
(up-to-date) toolchain in a container.

Michael Banzon

> Den 10. aug. 2017 kl. 09.14 skrev Konstantin Khomoutov <>:
> On Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 03:11:48PM +0200, Michael Banzon wrote:
>> Is there a way to have a (bash) script check if the version of the Go
>> compiler installed is a specific minimum version?
> In the light of [1], I think you could combine checking of the presense
> of the `go` tool itself with build tags.
> Say, something like this (untested):
> ---------------->8----------------
>  set -eu
>  rc=0
>  go version >/dev/null || rc=$?
>  if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
>    echo "The 'go' tool is not available" >&2
>    exit 2
>  fi
>  d=`mktemp -d`
>  f=`mktemp`
>  trap "rm -rf '$d' '$f'" EXIT INT TERM QUIT
>  cd "$d"
>  cat >false.go <<'EOF'
>  // +build !go1.7
>  package main
>  import "os"
>  func main() {
>    os.Exit(1)
>  }
>  EOF
>  cat >true.go <<'EOF'
>  // +build go1.7
>  package main
>  import "os"
>  func main() {
>    os.Exit(0)
>  }
>  EOF
>  go build -o "$f" "$d/*.go"
>  rc=0
>  "$f" || rc=1
>  if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
>    echo "Insufficient Go version" >&2
>    exit 2
>  fi
>  exit 0
> ---------------->8----------------
> One possible caveat is that `mktemp` by default creates its filesystem
> entries under $TMPDIR or /tmp, and that directory might be mounted with
> "noexec" on certain systems.  So if your setup script (or whatever it
> is) has a luxury of using its own scratch space, you should probably do
> that (like creating a temp. directory using `mktemp -f ~/.cache/XXXXXX`
> or something like this).
> 1.

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