On Wednesday, August 2, 2017 at 11:34:33 AM UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 12:27 PM Florin Pățan <flori...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> > I speak from the experience of trying to help people get Go running on 
> Linux, macOS and Windows, this is a terribly frustrating step and unknown 
> for most of them.
> Please share what's frustrating and not clear about the step-by-step 
> instructions <https://golang.org/doc/install/source>, so they can be 
> improved.
> -- 
> -j

I would never put anyone to the trouble of compiling Go themselves, so it's 
not clear why you are suggesting that. I also don't do that myself and 
cannot see the value on doing it. Go has installers available for 
Windows/macOS and a tarball for Linux, already precompiled and ready to Go 
(pun intended), why would I spend the time compiling Go myself?

Back on track.

People have problems with following this 
page: https://golang.org/doc/code.html . I don't know how it can be 
improved because I cannot understand the problem myself. Whenever I explain 
it to those that fail to read, it suddenly becomes clear and following the 
same steps there makes it magically work. And it's even funnier when I 
solve it for the people working on macOS because I never used that OS but 
people that have been using it for years seem unable to change environment 
variables :)

Maybe simple, clear, videos on how to set GOPATH, PATH and so on on the 
various operating systems would help as it's usually easier for anyone to 
just follow the instructions provided in a visual way (but I don't have any 
data/facts to back this up).

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