err := syscall.Kill(int(dmInfo.Pid), syscall.Signal(0))
        if err == syscall.ESRCH {
          Warning("Daemon stopped for unknown reason. BinaryId:", binaryId)
                  } else {
          if err != nil {
            Info("Daemon got error when signal-ed by 0. err:(", err.Error(),
                ") BinaryId:", binaryId)


I have a code snippet background. It will check if a given process is 
exited. But based on my test, the first line syscall.Kill will always 
return nil even if the child process is already done (e.g. In the test, I 
ran an 'echo' command first and sleep for a long time before calling the 
code snippet above).
I use cmd.Start to start my child process.
Anyone knows why?



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