Indeed everybody can do whatever he wants with his company. And I don't 
agree with every Google decision, as you know ;)

And yes, coding standards will never make good developers, who design well 
and program clear readable code that is both efficient and easy to maintain.

Their goal is simply to make sure that everybody develops the same code in 
the same way, so that you can "enjoy" working on/with the code of your 
collegues, instead of "suffering" from it. You simply should not be able to 
guess who has developed the code you are working on/with.

On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 8:22:37 PM UTC+1, Drew Derbyshire wrote:
> "And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual 
> rules."  -- Captain Hector Barbossa
> On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 10:37:11 AM UTC-7, 
> wrote:
>> Sorry to repeat myself, but I think I wasn't clear enough, as many people 
>> on this forum still don't understand my point at all. 
>> Google, as ANY company, MUST force its employees to use exactly the same 
>> standards.
> This is flat out incorrect.  In particular, by using "ANY", "MUST" "force" 
> and "exactly", your directive is invalidated by a single company that 
> doesn't follow your directive succeeding. I've been at several such 
> companies.  
> Google has some of the strictest (and in some cases, flawed) coding 
> standards I've seen in my three plus decades in the industry.  Those 
> standards didn't make the code better than companies I've been at with 
> loose or even non-existent coding standards.
> I'd compare Google coding standards to Google management's belief that 
> open floor plans are more productive; that office layout is only a boon to 
> real-estate services's budget. I spent over a third of my career in 
> environments where I had a private office or at least sufficient space to 
> have minimum disruptions, and I can say the Google philosophy (and it's 
> interruption filled side-effects) is truly flawed.
> But neither Google's office layout nor their coding standards are fatal 
> flaws.
> I would stress proper documentation, good tests and diligent code reviews 
> far more than blind adherence to a coding standard.
> Good coders write good code, including being consistent with the code 
> base. 
> OCD coding standards don't make bad coders good coders.  Never did, never 
> will.

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