Hi Sofiane,

Answering the "what type" question is pretty much unavoidable. 
You can embed that forking logic inside the "on the fly" function, like in 
Roger's example (using a switch v := v.(type) construct) or you can use 

Alternatively, you can group your transformation functions into 
functionality buckets, using maps: map[string]TFunc (where TFunc is 
func(Valuer) Valuer like you wanted).
Each of your types (CSVString or CSVFloat, etc) would be "tied" to such a 
map, returned by a new method in the Valuer interface: TFuncs() 
Quick example here:  https://play.golang.org/p/ZnqJVw0Wzq
I just added some extra stuff to your code. I didn't bother trying to 
understand if you wanted your rows mutated for each operation, or copied, 
or such. That's your decision.

For chaining transformers, please note that I changed your r := Row { ... } 
 to var r Transformer = &Row{ ... }

Keep in mind that a lot of functional paradigms do not apply cleanly to Go. 
For readability purposes, a simple for loop works wonders and it's 
oftentimes more readable :)


On Thursday, 20 July 2017 07:58:09 UTC-4, rog wrote:
> I'm not convinced that holding all your values in a uniform way
> is going to be that helpful for you. You might be better using reflection
> to map the columns into a struct type (there's probably a package
> out there already that can do that).
> However, to answer without questioning the whole premise:
> You can't pass a function on a specific type to the more generally
> typed func(Valuer)Valuer because the value in the column might not
> be of the specific type - what should happen if the column is a string
> and you pass func(CSVFloat)CSVFloat to Apply?
> Here's your code made to work, with some arguably redundant stuff
> removed. The Transformer type seemed unnecessary, as Apply
> and RemoveColumn both work with the row in place. The Type field
> in the Column struct seemed unnecessary, as the type is implied by
> the value in the column. Also, the whole notion of Type seemed
> a bit redundant as CSV files have no notion of type, and it seems like
> you want to support custom types. The CSV prefix on the type names
> seemed unnecessary, as this would probably be in a package with
> some kind of csv-related name.
> https://play.golang.org/p/9mSfG1m4VZ
>   cheers,
>     rog.
> On 20 July 2017 at 08:05, Sofiane Cherchalli <sofi...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi Silviu,
>> Thanks for the reply.
>> Basically I want to kinda functional map on my custom types by applying 
>> functions on base value or struct values.
>> What if I want to for instance:
>> - Multiply the float64 value inside CSVFloat by 2 ?
>> - or Replace a custom type value with another one from the same type?
>> Thanks
>> On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 5:09:40 AM UTC+2, Silviu Capota Mera wrote:
>>> Before: myfn := func(v CSVFloat) CSVFloat { return v }
>>> After: myfn := func(v Valuer) Valuer { return v }
>>> On Wednesday, 19 July 2017 16:48:07 UTC-4, Sofiane Cherchalli wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> I'm a noob in Go and I need some guidance/help on this: 
>>>> https://play.golang.org/p/0TGzKiYQZn
>>>> Basically I'm implementing a CSV parser, and applying transformations 
>>>> on column value.
>>>> In last part of the code I'm trying to apply a function on CSVFloat 
>>>> type which satisfies Valuer interface, but I got a compiler error.
>>>> In Scala language, this could be done by using map function, but how to 
>>>> do it in Golang?
>>>> Thanks.
>>> -- 
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