The key word is simple. We wanted a minimum possible logging library that
is easy to use and efficient, with the expectation that those wanting
fancier, richer libraries could build their own and debate the right
interface. That is exactly what has happened.

See for another library closer to what you
want, and modeled on Google's internal production logging facility.


On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 10:49 AM, Michael Soulier <>

> Am I the only one who finds the log standard library a tad lacking?
> I expected to be able to set log verbosity, like logger.Debug,
> logger.Info, etc, and I expected thread safety. I noticed today that my log
> output from multiple loggers in different goroutines was interlaced.
> I wonder if I'm using the library correctly, but I notice that
> is a popular replacement, that works more like I
> would expect. I'm curious about why the standard logger is so simple by
> comparison, as I'm used to Python's logging library.
> Thanks,
> Mike
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