The usual 
1. do less work,
2. don't make copies,
3. produce less garbage.

1./2. maybe you can avoid parsing the whole data and just extract the 
necessary bits directly.
2./3. maybe you can create a pool of packets so that the internal 
structures for them can be reused

Essentially try to exactly understand why the parsing takes that much time. 
Write a benchmark that stresses that point of the code. Optimize it.

This might also require improving gopacket itself.

On Friday, 9 June 2017 17:47:46 UTC+3, Chun Zhang wrote:
> Hi, All, 
> Update on this issue. Based on the suggestion I got earlier, I dedicated 
> one thread, which is locked to a os thread to handle packet receiving, this 
> thread then put the received packet on a buffered channel/queue. Without 
> doing any extra work, this thread is able to take packets up to 
> 800Mbps-ish, which is the limit of the sender. 
> 12 goroutines are then kicked off to take items from this queue and 
> distribute them to other work queues for further processing. The 
> distributing thread parses the packet to a gopacket.Packet interface and 
> hashes based on the ip address etc. Even though I have used the faster 
> version, the parse routine takes a LOT of the cpu power.  By profiling the 
> program, it seems the parsing takes 1/3 of whole time. The whole app is 
> then limited to roughly 120Mbps, aka, 50kpps. 
> The decoding routine I am using is pretty much like the example here
> Decoding Packets Faster
> <>
> I am wondering what further optimization can I do to speed this up?
> Thanks,
> Chun
> On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 10:50:50 AM UTC-4, Chun Zhang wrote:
>> Thank you Rajanikanth, Kevin and Egon! I will explore the ideas you guys 
>> provided and keep you updated. 
>> Best Regards, 
>> Chun
>> On Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 2:25:03 AM UTC-4, Egon wrote:
>>> On Saturday, 27 May 2017 14:05:11 UTC+3, Chun Zhang wrote:
>>>> Thanks Kevin and Egon!
>>>> With a few experiments, I found that the logging, even to a file, is 
>>>> quite time consuming, so turning off logging helps, resulting in 
>>>> 500Mbps-ish no drop rate; however, still not even close to Gbps. 
>>>> Then I turned on both lazy and nocopy option in the decoding option, 
>>>> the lazy options seems to help. I got something close to 700Mbps, where 
>>>> the 
>>>> sender's limit is reached. 
>>>> Given that said, the program does not nothing but receiving the packet 
>>>> at this moment. Any actual processing of the packet in the same thread 
>>>> significantly hurt the rate. Besides spinning multiple thread to handle 
>>>> the 
>>>> actual work, anything else in the gopacket land that can be done?
>>> Profile your code. :)
>>>> Thanks again! 
>>>> Chun
>>>> On Saturday, May 27, 2017 at 5:24:13 AM UTC-4, Kevin Conway wrote:
>>>>> > can only handle up to 250Mbps-ish traffic
>>>>> I'm not familiar with gopacket, but I have seen multiple occasions 
>>>>> where logging to a file or stdout became a bottleneck. Your code snippet 
>>>>> is 
>>>>> logging on every packet which seems excessive. Try logging with less 
>>>>> frequency and, if using stdout, consider using a log destination with 
>>>>> different buffering characteristics like a file or syslog over UDP. 
>>>>> On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 3:59 PM Egon <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Friday, 26 May 2017 20:51:55 UTC+3, Chun Zhang wrote:
>>>>>>> Good point.  
>>>>>>> as a comparison: tcpdump -w /dev/null can handle up to 750Mbps, 
>>>>>>> where sending machine's  speed limit reached. I think it should be able 
>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>> handle line rate.
>>>>>>> Are those two packages lighter/faster than gopacket?
>>>>>> Nevermind, just noticed... gopacket/pcap is a fork 
>>>>>> of akrennmair/gopcap
>>>>>> Anyways, to get more information on what is taking time in your 
>>>>>> program see
>>>>>> Maybe try something like this:
>>>>>> handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(device, snapshot_len, promiscuous, 
>>>>>> timeout)
>>>>>> // ...
>>>>>> for {
>>>>>>     data, ci, err := handle.ZeroCopyReadPacketData()
>>>>>>     // ...
>>>>>> This should remove allocations from critical path.
>>>>>> *PS: code untested and may contain typos :P*
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Chun
>>>>>>> On Friday, May 26, 2017 at 12:37:55 PM UTC-4, Egon wrote:
>>>>>>>> As a baseline measurement I suggest writing the same code in C; 
>>>>>>>> this shows how much your VM / config / machine can handle.
>>>>>>>> With gopacket -- use src.NextPacket instead of Packets.
>>>>>>>> There are also: and 
>>>>>>>> + Egon
>>>>>>>> On Friday, 26 May 2017 19:01:20 UTC+3, Chun Zhang wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi, All, 
>>>>>>>>> I am trying to write a small program to handle packets coming from 
>>>>>>>>> a GigE wire. The testing code snip is as below. 
>>>>>>>>> The problem I am facing is that this is extremely slow, can only 
>>>>>>>>> handle up to 250Mbps-ish traffic with normal ipv4 sized packets, 
>>>>>>>>> anything 
>>>>>>>>> above that resulting significant packet drop.  Note that I am doing 
>>>>>>>>> nothing 
>>>>>>>>> with the packet at this moment. If I try to do any packet processing, 
>>>>>>>>> then 
>>>>>>>>> apparently it gets slower.
>>>>>>>>> Has anybody measured the efficiency of the gopacket package? Is 
>>>>>>>>> there any other faster alternatives?
>>>>>>>>> PS: the host machine is an ubuntu VM with 12-core and 12G memory, 
>>>>>>>>> but looks only 2 cores are used for this program. 
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Chun
>>>>>>>>> // Open device
>>>>>>>>> handle, err = pcap.OpenLive(device, snapshot_len, promiscuous, 
>>>>>>>>> timeout)
>>>>>>>>> if err == nil {
>>>>>>>>>        Info.Println("Open interface ", device, "successfully")
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> defer handle.Close()
>>>>>>>>>        //fmt.Println("In the deafult reading case ", time.Now())
>>>>>>>>>        // Use the handle as a packet source to process all packets
>>>>>>>>>        packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, 
>>>>>>>>> handle.LinkType())
>>>>>>>>>        Info.Println("pcketsourc is ", packetSource, time.Now())
>>>>>>>>>        for packet := range packetSource.Packets() {
>>>>>>>>> Debug.Println("-------------------------------------------------------------------")
>>>>>>>>>               count++
>>>>>>>>>               Warning.Println("packet count ", count)
>>>>>>>>>               // write to a pcap for testing
>>>>>>>>>               /*err = w.WritePacket(packet.Metadata().CaptureInfo, 
>>>>>>>>> packet.Data())
>>>>>>>>>               if err != nil {
>>>>>>>>>                      fmt.Println(err)
>>>>>>>>>               }*/
>>>>>>>>>               continue
>>>>>>>>> -- 
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