I had the same line of thinking regarding avoiding an ORM.   I settled on 
using sqlx for my project.

On Friday, June 2, 2017 at 8:55:12 AM UTC-4, brylant wrote:
> I've been trying hard (well.. as much as I can considering my lack of 
> in-depth go knowledge or - to be perfectly honest - lack of in-depth 
> knowledge of anything) to find suitable go+sql technique that would not 
> require a lot of code repetition, not use reflection and not use ORMs of 
> any sort... Could somebody please tell me if there's anything particularly 
> wrong with the following:
> type ScannerFunc func() []interface{}
> func (db *DB) ScanSome(stmt string, sf ScannerFunc, params ...interface{}) 
> error {
>  rows, err := db.Query(stmt, params...)
>  if err != nil {
>  return err
>  }
>  defer rows.Close()
>  for rows.Next() {
>  err = rows.Scan(sf()...)
>  if err != nil {
>  return err
>  }
>  }
>  if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
>  return err
>  }
>  return nil
> }
> Having the above I could then implement the following for each of my 
> 'models' (User being an example below). This could easily be 'go 
> generate'-d for each model
> type User struct {
>     UserID  int64
>     Name    string
>     Role    int
>     // (...)
> }
> func ScanUsersFunc(users *[]*User) ScannerFunc {
>     return ScannerFunc(func() []interface{}) {
>         u := User{}
>         *users = append(*users, &u)
>         var r []interface{} = []interface{}{&u.UserID, &u.Name, &u.Role, 
> (more 
> properties)}
>         return r
>     }
> }
> and finally use it like this: 
> const (
>     sqlUsersByRole = "SELECT user_id,name,role, (more if needed) FROM 
> user WHERE role=?"
>     sqlAllUsers    = "SELECT user_id,name,role FROM user"
> )
> func (db *DB) UsersByRole(role int) ([]*User, error) {
>     users := make([]*User, 0)
>     err := db.ScanSome(sqlUsersByRole, ScanUsersFunc(&users), role)
>     if err != nil {
>         return nil, err
>     }
>     return users, nil
> }
> func (db *DB) AllUsers() ([]*User, error) {
>     users := make([]*User, 0)
>     err := db.ScanSome(sqlAllUsers, ScanUsersFunc(&users))
>     if err != nil {
>         return nil, err
>     }
>     return users, nil
> }
> Alternatively (to avoid scanning/returning all results) a callback could 
> be provided to ScanSome and called after each scan.
> Obviously I could also implement ScanOne for situations where I only 
> expect one row of results...
> So - any obvious issues with the above 'technique'...?
> Thanks,
> adam

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