This is brilliant. I just never had the idea to split by words and
accumulate them. Thanks. Please update the stackoverflow also with this
answer if you have an account. Otherwise I will update it in stackoverflow
tomorrow, crediting this mail thread as the source.

2017-06-02 21:39 GMT+05:30 <>:

> Hello,
> Try something like this:
> Le vendredi 2 juin 2017 16:26:24 UTC+2, Sankar a écrit :
>> I have a go string
>> dbConnStr1 := "user=someone password=something host=superduperhost
>> sslmode=something"
>> the k=v pair in this string may be in any order, for example:
>> dbConnStr2 := "host=superduperhost user=someone password=something"
>> Notice the difference in the key order and also the missing "sslmode" key
>> in the second instance.
>> Also, it is possible that instead of whitespace, the individual k,v pairs
>> may be separated by newline too.
>> It is safe to assume that the values may not contain '=' as a content.
>> Given all these constraints:
>> Now I want to extract the unique keys and their corresponding values from
>> the given string, using regexp. If it will help, I can give a list of all
>> the possible keys that may come (username, password, host, sslmode), but I
>> would ideally like a regex solution that works with any list of keys and
>> values.
>> How to do this ? I understand that it may be possible with
>> regexp.FindStringSubmatch but not able to wrap my head around writing the
>> regexp.
>> P.s: I know that instead of using regexp, I can write strings.Split call
>> and do it normally, but I want a regexp based solution.
>> Any help ?
>> Thanks.
>> PS: I have asked the same question in stackoverflow too and if you want
>> to answer there, please see:
>> /questions/44321199/golang-extract-unique-key-value-from-a-
>> key-value-pair-string-using-regex
>> --
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Sankar P

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