I have come to the same conclusion. I just needed to write it down and listen 
to a few people talk about it. Thanks for the response.

I just want to be careful what we consider to be ok to be placed in the Context 
and what truly needs to be passed in as a separate argument.

> On May 31, 2017, at 5:29 PM, Daniel Theophanes <kardia...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> Generally if you have a Trace ID, you are also doing something that involves 
> multiple systems, processes, or routines. If that is the case, you also need 
> a way to cancel your resource. Thus Trace ID is included with values in the 
> context and not separated.
> When Dave voiced his own preference to separate out Value from Cancelation, 
> the response was, "it was considered, but the benefit and complication was 
> deemed to not be worth it".
> I understand what you are saying about hidden values and all, and how those 
> aren't explicit. But I guess I don't personally care. This "not caring" can 
> pay off where different applications have different per-request parameter 
> needs, but want to leverage the same API for framework needs. 
> That's my own 2 cents anyway. -Daniel
> On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 8:39:18 AM UTC-7, William Kennedy wrote:
> After reading this:
> https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2017/04/distributed-tracing-for-Go.html 
> <https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2017/04/distributed-tracing-for-Go.html>
> I can see how the Context is being used, through a separate API. Would it 
> make sense to use a separate Context value for the "Trace" Context and use a 
> separate Context value for the  "Cancellation" Context in the application 
> independent package API's?
> I am just starting to think about these things from an API and readability 
> point of view. Just curious what others think.
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