I m just gonna add more examples as it come,

            hasPrefix := func(prefix string) func(string) bool {
                return func(s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, 
prefix) }
            } // this is not cool....

            if fnUtils.AllTypes().Filter(hasPrefix("post")).NotEmpty() {

            hasPrefix, _ := conv(func(prefix string) func(s string) bool, 
            // does this make sense given 
https://golang.org/pkg/strings/#HasPrefix ? 

            if fnUtils.AllTypes().Filter(hasPrefix("post")).NotEmpty() {

On Friday, May 26, 2017 at 2:47:45 PM UTC+2, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
> oops... mistake in it.
> printS, err := conv(func(s string, err error), fmt.Println) or panic(err)
> _, err := []string{"hello}.Map(strings.
> ToUpper).MustEach(printS) or panic(err)
> count, err := conv(func(s string) n int, fmt.Println) or panic(err)
> n := []string{"hello}.Map(strings.ToUpper).Sum(count)
> count, err := conv(func(s string) (n int, err error), fmt.Println) or 
> panic(err)
> n, err := []string{"hello}.Map(strings.ToUpper).MustSum(count) or 
> panic(err)
> more like this, take advantage of return type and names to do more 
> conversion.
> On Friday, May 26, 2017 at 2:45:33 PM UTC+2, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
>> or this,
>> printS, err := conv(func(s string, err error), fmt.Println) or panic(err)
>> _, err := []string{"hello}.Map(strings.ToUpper).MustEach(printS) or 
>> panic(err)
>> count, err := conv(func(n int), fmt.Println) or panic(err)
>> n := []string{"hello}.Map(strings.ToUpper).Sum(count)
>> count, err := conv(func(n int, err error), fmt.Println) or panic(err)
>> n, err := []string{"hello}.Map(strings.ToUpper).MustSum(count) or 
>> panic(err)
>> that'd be great...
>> On Friday, May 26, 2017 at 2:25:37 PM UTC+2, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> for the fun, 
>>> I want to write
>>> []string{"hello}.Map(strings.ToUpper).Each(fmt.Println)
>>> would not work, func param are incompatible.
>>> let s apply static rules to convert it,
>>> printS, err := conv(func(s string), fmt.Println) or panic(err)
>>> []string{"hello}.Map(strings.ToUpper).Each(printS)
>>> Now it s possible.
>>> And if one does a fmt.MustPrintln to get ride of the error while still 
>>> handling it (recoverable)
>>> rather than ignore it as of today, 
>>> you can write that, and handle error via recover, 
>>> or simply ignore it as in the previous ex.
>>> printS, err := conv(func(s string), fmt.MustPrintln) or panic(err)
>>> []string{"hello}.Map(strings.ToUpper).Each(printS)
>>> On Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 9:52:27 AM UTC+2, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> see the title, only for what s needed 
>>>> Slice/Splice/Each/Map/First/Last/Reverse/Sort ect ect not len, for reason. 
>>>> so interface system serves the userland by its definition of struct, and 
>>>> the basic slice type provided by the language is fully operational, 
>>>> without 
>>>> breaking, btw. i don t go further in evaluation, i leave that to the 
>>>> reader, just trying to work decently.

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