I find the method like:

package main

import (

func main() {
 var str = "a/b/汉字/d/汉字"
 var _, size = utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(str)
 // Does `str[0:len(str)-size]` have memory copy? 
 var i = strings.LastIndex(str[0:len(str)-size], "/汉字")

But I don't know if str[0:len(str)-size] if copy the string? If the code 
will copy the string, I will covert the string to []byte first. Because I 
need several times check for the str.
Where I can find some article about that(str copy)?

On Friday, May 26, 2017 at 10:45:09 PM UTC+8, long...@gmail.com wrote:
>             var str = "a/b/c/d/c"
>             // I want remove last chracter from str
>             var strRunes = []rune(str)
>             var newStrRunes = strRunes[0 : len(strRunes)-1]
>             // then I want get last index of chracters `/c`, I need 
> convert to string back!???
>             strings.LastIndex(string(newStrRunes), "/c")
>             // Does there have a method that LastIndex(rs []rune, s 
> string)
> Thanks for your help!

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