FYI staticcheck has this check.

On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 9:41 AM,  <> wrote:
> The other day a coworker called me to show a piece of my own code. I confess
> I got a little embarassed. The code was something like this:
> func f(a, b uint){
> // ...
> dif := a - b
> if (dif < 0) {
> // do stuff
> }
> }
> As it happens, "stuff" was never done.
> I expected the compiler to flag that comparison as an error ("You are
> testing to see if an unsigned value is negative. Please go back to school.")
> So I tried to code the same comparison in C and compiled using TCC, GCC and
> Microsoft compilers. Then did the same with C++ using GCC, Microsoft.
> Finally I tried in Pascal using the Free Pascal compiler. To my surprise
> only Pascal issued a warning. To be fair, MS compiler issued a warning as
> well, but only after I changed the project warning level to maximum.
> I imagine there is a really good reason for compilers not to flag this as an
> error, but I don't have a clue. Someone can tell me why this is so?
> --
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