I am using following code to download googledrive documents
to list files:

*listArgs := listAllFilesArgs{  query:  "",  fields: 
 } files, 
err := self.listAllFiles(listArgs)*
to download documents:
*res**,* *err* *:=* *self**.**service**.**Files**.**Get**(**f**.**Id**).*

                *if* *err* *!=* *nil* *{*

                    *if* *isTimeoutError**(**err**)* *{*

                        *return* *0**,* *0**,* *fmt**.**Errorf**(**"Failed* 
*to* *download* *file:* *timeout,* *no* *data* *was* *transferred* *for* 
*%s"**,* *args**.**Timeout**)*


                    *return* *0**,* *0**,* *fmt**.**Errorf**(**"Failed* *to* 
*download* *file:* *%s"**,* *err**)*


                *//* *Close* *body* *on* *function* *exit*

                *defer* *res**.**Body**.**Close**()*

                *//* *Path* *to* *file*

                *filename* *:=* *strings**.**Replace**(**f**.**Name**,* *"* 
*"**,* *"_"**,* *-**1**)*

                *fpath* *:=* 
*sbgoclient**.**GetLocalFilename_binary**(**filename**,* *sbConfig**,* 


                *if* *_**,* *err* *:=* *os**.**Stat**(**fpath**);* 
*os**.**IsNotExist**(**err**)* *{*

                    *out**,* *err* *:=* *os**.**Create**(**fpath**)*

                    *if* *err* *!=* *nil* *{*

                        *return* *0**,* *0**,* *fmt**.**Errorf**(**"Failed* 
*to* *create* *file* *%s:* *%s"**,* *filename**,* *err**)*


                    *n**,* *err* *:=* *io**.**Copy**(**out**,* *res**.**Body**)*

                    *if* *err* *!=* *nil* *{*

                        *return* *0**,* *0**,* *fmt**.**Errorf**(**"Error* 
*while* *downloading* *%s* *-* *%s"**,* *f**.**Id**,* *err**)*


                    *fmt**.**Println**(**n**,* *"bytes* *downloaded."**)*

                    *fmt**.**Println**(**"response* *is"**,* *res**.**Body**)*

                    *info**,* *_* *:=* *os**.**Stat**(**fpath**)*


*this works fine for me but after downmload around 6000 documents it becomes 
sooper slow and I have enough space in my system.*

*Please refer my code above and let me if there are any corrections.*

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