
just a suggestion to improve go gen adoption rate, maybe.

go generate is not included in the go build pipeline,
for good reasons, especially for the core code.

It s a two step command,
1- go gen
2- go build

Although, since vendoring is implemented,
I think it would be good to re think its usage,
depending if you are building core code Vs random package.

When you write a random package (no better name sorry),
if `go gen` was included into the `go run` command,
i believe that d help to improve its adoption rate.

In that case that would only apply to the package files,
excluding core code, vendored code,
and those generated files must be committed to the vcs.

Doing so, when pkg A depends on B,
and that B uses go gen, the files would already be present, 
thus no need to gen then B.

Only pkg A might need it.

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