Ok if GOGC is the trigger point, then out-of-memory error should be
consistent on all Ubuntu 64-bit 4gb systems, right?
If so, why cant peterGo reproduce the crash?

2 May 2017 16:08 tarihinde "Юрий Соколов" <funny.fal...@gmail.com> yazdı:

> There is nowhere told that GOGC defines border that could not be reached.
> GOGC defines proportion that triggers GC, ie GC is triggered AFTER GOGC
> proportion crossed, not before.
> In fact, if you allocates by small portions, then GC tries to predict when
> you will reach this border, and tries to start earlier. But it doesn't stop
> your program if you run faster and cross this border, cause current Golang
> GC us concurrent and tries to minimize GC pause. How could it minimize GC
> pause if it ought to stop whole your program to not cross GOGC proportion?
> And you partially right: GC of old Go's versions may stop program before
> GOGC proportion crossed. So, if you try Go 1.0 most likely your programm
> will run.
> But new behaviour is much better.
> The point: you should know your instrument and environment. No one GC
> enabled runtime will be happy if you allocate huge arrays (perl/python/php
> are exceptions, cause they use reference counting). If you ought to
> allocate huge arrays in GC runtime, use off-heap allocation (Java men learn
> that hard way).
> For example, you may use mmap to allocate huge array.
> Or, I'll repeat my self, use datastructure without huge continuous
> allocation (ie slice of slices for your example). Then GC will have a
> chance to trigger ealier and free some memory before it exhausted.
> 2 мая 2017 г. 1:59 PM пользователь "Serhat Sevki Dincer" <
> jfcga...@gmail.com> написал:
> The allocation request (make) is made to the runtime which covers GC,
> right? GC percent is also set to 10%.
> After 1st call returns, my app has about 2gb ram allocated. When 2nd call
> requests allocation, runtime cannot:
> - first allocate another 2gb
> - free the 1st buffer later
> due to the definition of the GOGC (GC percent).
> I think this is a GC bug.
> 2 May 2017 07:09 tarihinde "Sokolov Yura" <funny.fal...@gmail.com> yazdı:
> GC is triggered *after* allocation than crosses boundary. So your second
>> allocation is actually tries to complete before first allocation freed. And
>> Ubuntu with 4GB memory doesn't allow to allocate 4GB memory cause
>> overcommit is not enabled by default.
>> Use C/C++, or buy more memory, or change your datastructure from slice to
>> slice of slice and allocate second dimension lazely, or call runtime.GC()
>> explicitely between calls to f() (it will block until GC finishes).
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