Hi Peter,

Running your code locally (Go 1.8.1 / linux / amd64), I don't get a
statistically significant difference between the two. The benchmark
does generate a ton of garbage so the GC causes the benchmark runs to
have a pretty decent variance.

To check this kind of thing, you'll want to run the benchmarks many
times and then compare the distributions using a tool like benchstat:

For example:

go test -bench . -count 10 | tee old.txt
# make changes
go test -bench . -count 10 | tee new.txt
benchstat old.txt new.txt

When I've seen effects like this before, one explanation I've seen is
that the code alignment can change performance characteristics (this
only applies to the tightest of loops, IIRC). Too lazy to look up
references right now, but I've definitely seen this discussed on this
mailing list as well as various issues.


On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 4:09 PM, Peter Fröhlich
<peter.hans.froehl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sorry if this is an FAQ, but then my Google-foo has failed me. :-/
> It seems to me that the test functions in a bla_test.go file influence
> the benchmark functions in the same file. In the snippet below, if I
> comment out the body of the test function, I get better benchmark
> numbers than when I leave it in. Suspecting some GC "leftovers" from
> the test, I've tried adding "runtime.GC(); b.ResetTimer()" to the
> benchmark but that doesn't actually help.
> Before I dig through the source for Go's testing module itself, I
> wanted to see if this is a well-known issue, maybe with a well-known
> workaround?
> Best,
> Peter
> -----CUT-----
> $ go version
> go version go1.7.5 linux/amd64
> $ cat bla_test.go
> package main
> import "testing"
> import "container/list"
> import "runtime"
> const size = 2270
> func TestPushBack(t *testing.T) {
> //    /*
>     var q list.List
>     for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
>         q.PushBack(i)
>     }
>     for i := 0; q.Len() > 0; i++ {
>         e := q.Front()
>         x := e.Value.(int)
>         q.Remove(e)
>         if x != i {
>             t.Errorf("q.PopFront() = %d, want %d", x, i)
>         }
>     }
> //    */
> }
> func BenchmarkPushBack(b *testing.B) {
>     runtime.GC()
>     b.ResetTimer()
>     for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
>         var q list.List
>         for n := 0; n < size; n++ {
>             q.PushBack(n)
>         }
>     }
> }
> $ go test -bench .
> BenchmarkPushBack-2           5000        378367 ns/op
> ok      X    1.937s
> $ go test -bench .
> BenchmarkPushBack-2           5000        378196 ns/op
> ok      X    1.936s
> $ vi bla_test.go # comment out test code
> $ go test -bench .
> BenchmarkPushBack-2           5000        356310 ns/op
> ok      X    1.825s
> $ go test -bench .
> BenchmarkPushBack-2           5000        354530 ns/op
> ok      X    1.816s
> --
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