Thank you for explicitly listing all reference semantics and more 
importantly the considerations given for their use!

On Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 8:41:22 AM UTC-7, Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Apr 2017 14:30:29 -0700 (PDT) 
> st ov < <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Wow! Thanks everyone! 
> > 
> > So if I got this right, Go always makes a copy but whats actually 
> > being copied differs by type. 
> > 
> > It seems that I don't need to worry about a lot of data being copied 
> > about with the larger data structures, but by passing the pointer 
> > value by default isn't that an implicit pass-by-reference? 
> Yes, and that's what Caleb talked about: the current language spec 
> appears to only clearly speak about the slices by saying a slice 
> " a descriptor to...". 
> In Go, the following things have reference semantics: functions, 
> slices, channels and maps.  That is, they can be thought of as being 
> descriptors to the underlying "stuff".  (Well, if you're into C, it's 
> probably easier to understand function values as being pointers.) 
> Note two things. 
> The first one is that it was probably possible to make all those values 
> have non-reference semantics. 
> The second is that you can easily create a type which has reference 
> semantics yourself -- by having a pointer value in some struct value: 
>   type B struct { 
>     PtrA *A 
>     X    int 
>   } 
>   b := B{PtrA: &a} 
>   c := b 
> Note how c.X and b.X are different variables (with different addresses) 
> while both c and b refer to the same variable via their PtrA fields. 
> These two things combined actually represent a larger problem to 
> consider: there are types which have more sensible usage patterns when 
> made implement reference semantics than otherwise.  Say, suppose the 
> channels would have made implement non-reference semantics.  Then 
> assigning a value containing a channel to a variable would involve 
> actual copying of the whole channel -- locking it, allocating all the 
> underlying stuff for the new channel, initializing it, copying any 
> buffered data over etc.  But now what would that really buy anyone? 
> The whole reason channels exist is that several concurrent goroutines 
> access *the same* channel value.  So should the channels have 
> non-reference semantics, everyone would have to use pointers to them. 
> Consider slices.  They explicitly were designed to serve as "views" 
> into underlying arrays, and that's why they can be though of as keeping 
> references to those arrays.  Copying a function value by duplicating 
> the function's body has almost no sense in a compiled language (if at 
> all possible to implement given that on popular contemporary H/W 
> architectures the program's code segment is typically not writable and 
> data segments are not executable). 
> Maps it supposedly the only data type with reference semantics which 
> IMO is sort of in a grey area because non-reference semantics for it 
> would be sensible, too. 

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