On Tue, 18 Apr 2017, at 03:20 PM, Chris Hopkins wrote:

> I'm not sure what you mean by the append doesn't modify the original.
> Append will use the same backing store (if there is available capacity
> in it) and by definition the address of the slice in question must be
> invariant across its context. e.g.:
> https://play.golang.org/p/lBRpKSo-9P
> I think of a slice as a built in structure so the pointer to the
> backing store will stay the same, the capacity will stay the same,
> only the length will change with append. (unless there is insufficient
> capacity then all bets are off except that again the original
> structure will remain, but all the values in it will be overwritten,
> then copied back into the original struct)

> Or have I really misunderstood what happens under the hood here?

The backing store is reused if there is capacity but append returns a
new slice that points to it. A small modification to your code
demonstrates it:



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