I want to embedded go code in c/c++ program.
my approach as below,  however go code can not be compiled
C main()  -->  go func -->  c func(in static lib)

#include "libgofunc.h"
int main() {

*<gofunc.go>*     CGO_ENABLED=1  go build -buildmode=c-archive -o 
libgofunc.a  -->  error  

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_cfunc"
package main

//#inclue "cfunc.h"
import "C"
//export Gofunc
func Gofunc() {
        C.cfunc() //cfunc is in a static lib
}func main() {} // Required but ignored

*<cfunc.h , cfunc.a>*
extern void cfunc();

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