Let me get you pointed in the right direction. I do this ALL the time. 
First it to learn the Godoc site. Godoc is an awesome site that you can 
search for different community written extensions to go, as well as get 
documentation on the existing go language packages -- if you're going to 
write in go, godoc.org is your best friend. https://www.godoc.org. once 
there search for a tool called 'gexpect' by ThomasRooney.  This will allow 
you to control an ssh session by any user to any system that user has 
access to.  Another way is to use the built in os/exec: cmd := exec.Command(
"/usr/bin/ssh", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", cHost, cHostCmd)

 To get the user's input use fmt.Scanln.  

fmt.Printf("Remote Host: ")
fmt.Printf("Command: ")
cHostCmd:= fmt.Scanln("\n")

On Monday, April 10, 2017 at 6:42:32 PM UTC-4, Owais Hashmi wrote:
> Write a program for Linux in Go lang which can run any command (of coder's 
> choice) on another machine (privately or publicly accessible) and prints 
> its output.

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