As go support below system ,   what is the difference of   android/386 and

are darwin/arm mean  ios ?

can go code compile as c library for android and ios ?

> go tool dist list
> android/386
> android/amd64
> android/arm
> android/arm64
> darwin/386
> darwin/amd64
> darwin/arm
> darwin/arm64
> dragonfly/amd64
> freebsd/386
> freebsd/amd64
> freebsd/arm
> linux/386
> linux/amd64
> linux/arm
> linux/arm64

2017-04-12 9:23 GMT+08:00 hui zhang <>:

> I am intend to  build go code as c library ,  and link this library in
> other c code .   then integrate in android and ios.
> But I meet errors in the first step  build go code as c library for arm
> darwin
> 2017-04-12 0:14 GMT+08:00 hui zhang <>:
>> I want to support go on android and ios.
>> package main
>>> import "fmt"
>>> import "C"
>>> //export GoAdder
>>> func GoAdder(x, y int) int {
>>>         fmt.Printf("Go says: adding %v and %v\n", x, y)
>>>         return x + y
>>> }
>>> //export GetMugenVersion
>>> func GetMugVersion() string {
>>>         str := "Go says: version = 1.0"
>>>         return str
>>> }
>>> func main() {} // Required but ignored
>>  this is what I tried on mac os
>> GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 CGO_ENABLED=1  go build
>>> -buildmode=c-archive -o libmug_ios.a main.go
>>> # runtime/cgo
>>> clang: error: argument unused during compilation: '-mno-thumb'
>>> GOARM=7  GOARCH=arm   go build -buildmode=c-archive -o libmugen_ios.a
>>> can't load package: package .: no buildable Go source files in
>>> /Users/xxxxx/Documents/
>> --
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