Yes i am working on the same topic , your inputs like what are u doing , 
what have you done so far , which links are you following and how have u 
changed the code
 are much appreciated

On Tuesday, 8 September 2015 19:45:27 UTC+5:30, Low Eel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I finished with my "personal project" implementing a NNTP server to learn 
> Go, so now I need some new challenges. 
> after reading this article ( 
> ) I started with the idea of using golang to implement
> a BlockChain to distribute certificates (both client and server ones.). 
> Before of starting this as a personal project somewhere (GitHub?) , i 
> would ask if you know of any ongoing projects like that (in golang) to 
> join: working with others it's always a plus.
> Do you know any implementation of a distributed certification authority 
> using a BlockChain to grant unicity and the ledger as the verification 
> chain?
> thanks in advance
> LowEel

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