// establish the net.UDPConn and context.Context here.

go func() {
    for {
        if err := conn.Read(p); err != nil {
        // do something with p

go func() {
    conn.Close() // will interrupt the above goroutine with an error

On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 5:18 PM, Florian Forster <o...@verplant.org> wrote:
> Hi Go nuts,
> I have a (server) function that gets a context.Context and listens on a
> net.UDPConn. I would like this function to receive and handle network
> packets, but close the socket and return as soon as the context is
> cancelled.
> Ideally, I'd like to do something along these lines:
> for {
>   select {
>   case pkg := <- conn:
>     handle(ctx, pkg)
>   case <- ctx.Done():
>     // defer conn.Close() is called here
>     return ctx.Err()
>   }
> }
> I'm unable to find anything that would allow me to select on the connection,
> unfortunately. Is there a way to turn an UDP socket into a channel?
> The next best thing would likely be to read from the connection with a
> relatively short timeout and check ctx.Done() periodically. That sort of
> busy waiting is not as elegant as I had hoped though.
> Thanks for any pointers you might be able to share! :) Best regards,
> —octo
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