I want to generate a min func 

func Min(a,b T) T {
   if a < b {
      return a
   } else {
      return b

pls generate below, pls use go generate to generate  int int64 int32 
int16.... uint64 uint32 ....  float32 float64 
Pls do not just paste documents.   There is a lot on google. but none of 
them explain it clearly
Just tell me how to do the below things generate by demo.

func MinInt32(a,b int32) int32 {
   if a < b {
      return a
   } else {
      return b

func Minint(a,b int) int {
   if a < b {
      return a
   } else {
      return b

func Minfloat32(a,b float32) float32 {
   if a < b {
      return a
   } else {
      return b


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