The method expression 


yields a function with the signature

    func(*Api, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)

To use the method value with the signature

    func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)

you need an instance of `*Api` to call its method, so you can't assign the 
handler to the route until after you've initialized the `*Api`.

Don't try to initialize the routes in their top-level declaration, create 
the Api, then create the routes. 

On Friday, March 3, 2017 at 10:33:24 AM UTC-5, Dave wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I just got started with GO and decided to attempt building an HTTP API 
> package using Gorilla Mux for an existing backend. 
> Unfortunately i have gotten stuck on an issue with initializing my routes 
> for the past couple of days. I tried searching for a solution online and 
> have read a ton of articles/tutorials but have not found exactly what i am 
> trying to do.
> The code is a little big to just paste and since it uses an external 
> import which play.golang does not support i attached it.
> My code does not compile returning:
> ./main.go:40: cannot use (*Api).ListHandler (type func(*Api, http.
> ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) as type http.HandlerFunc in field value
> Now i sort of understand why it says this because my ListHandler does not 
> adhere to the http.HandlerFunc signature as it is part of my Api struct but 
> this is where i am stuck.
> Any ideas on how to make this work or should i be doing something 
> completely different.
> (There could be some pointer errors here and there, i am still struggling 
> with those so try to overlook them :P and i mocked the backend struct as it 
> is in my opinion not relevant to the issue)
> - Dave

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