> But I found it hard to debug a Go program not started by delve itself.

When Delve compiles your program for you it passes `-gcflags="-N -l"`, 
which will produce a binary that's more suited for debugging. If you need 
to use `dlv exec` over `dlv debug`, you can build your binary using that 
flag and you should have a better experience.

On Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 7:59:54 PM UTC-8, Nyah Check wrote:
> Hi JuciE,
>> Nyah, there are several IDEs capable of controlling Delve under the hood 
>>> to debug Go programs. It works nicely.
>>> If you are used to Visual Studio you will feel in home with VSCode. Even 
>>> shortcuts for debugging are the same.
> I can't say much about IDEs since I don't really use them much. Tried 
> Atom, it was too slow for my system. I just stuck with Emacs and gedit 
> while running delve from my terminal. I don't currently know the recent 
> updates to delve. But I found it hard to debug a Go program not started by 
> delve itself. Since most of the functions and goroutines seen in the 
> debugger were not the implemented functions of my source code. I don't know 
> if anyone had that experience.
> Thanks,

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