On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 9:58 PM, Ayan George <a...@ayan.net> wrote:
> On 02/25/2017 03:48 AM, Amit Saha wrote:
>> I think both these approaches are fine, but just wanted to check.
> tl;dr: I think the second example is the way to go.
> I'm somewhat new to Golang so please someone correct me if I'm wrong.
> Neither of your examples are closures and, AFAIK, they're both
> effectively the same. As Jan mentioned -- if you actually used a
> closure like below, there *would* be a data race:
> func main() {
>   slice := []int{1, 23, 100, 101}
>   for _, val := range slice {
>     go func() {
>       fmt.Printf("val = %d\n", val)
>     }()
>   }
> }

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have learned the same about issues with
closures. Yes. indeed, my example #1 is using an anonymous function,
not a closure. Jan mentioned though #2 has a race, and that got me

> Notice the goroutines access the same 'val' variable concurrently
> while 'val' changes.
> I don't think your code presents a race because it copies 'val' when it
> is passed as a parameter to printme() or to your anonymous function.
> I think the choice to use an anonymous function and the choice to use a
> closure have their own considerations.
> You typically choose to use an anonymous function if the code
> you want to execute is relatively short and if the code is something
> that you don't plan to re-use.
> Your example is short but it is only one statement so wrapping it in an
> anonymous function doesn't buy you anything. If it were two or three
> statements I think it'd be worthwhile.

Indeed, that makes sense. Thank you.

> -ayan
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