Some updates here, again!

Down the road, i realized my benchmarks where not so correct,
kind of erratic with sometimes huge improvements, 
sometimes minor improvements.

I got this sorted out, and found the root of evil to be 

So i worked this out, and now i m very happy to show you the latest 
as they really are encouraging,

  $ go test -bench=. -benchmem
  BenchmarkRenderWithCompiledTemplateA-4    20000000           78.9 ns/op   
      48 B/op          1 allocs/op
  BenchmarkRenderWithJitTemplateA-4          3000000           668 ns/op   
       96 B/op          2 allocs/op
  BenchmarkRenderWithCompiledTemplateB-4    20000000           82.4 ns/op   
      48 B/op          1 allocs/op
  BenchmarkRenderWithJitTemplateB-4          3000000           603 ns/op   
       96 B/op          2 allocs/op
  BenchmarkRenderWithCompiledTemplateC-4      500000          2530 ns/op   
      192 B/op          6 allocs/op
  BenchmarkRenderWithJitTemplateC-4            50000         38245 ns/op   
     3641 B/op         82 allocs/op
  BenchmarkRenderWithCompiledTemplateD-4    20000000           114 ns/op   
       48 B/op          1 allocs/op
  BenchmarkRenderWithJitTemplateD-4          3000000           809 ns/op   
      144 B/op          3 allocs/op

  // the next 2 benchmarks are particularly encouraging
  // as they involve 2k html string escaping
  BenchmarkRenderWithCompiledTemplateE-4       10000        103929 ns/op   
      160 B/op          2 allocs/op
  BenchmarkRenderWithJitTemplateE-4              300       6207912 ns/op   
   656598 B/op      18012 allocs/op
  BenchmarkRenderWithCompiledTemplateF-4       10000        111047 ns/op   
      160 B/op          2 allocs/op
  BenchmarkRenderWithJitTemplateF-4              200       5836766 ns/op   
   657000 B/op      18024 allocs/op

The trick was to get ride of calls to `template.HTMLEscapeString`

See its code here
The problem in this function is that it trades an allocation for doubled 
iteration on the string to escape.
Which makes sense for the std package as it does a lots of allocations,
but in the case of compiled templates it does not make sense as the 
allocations count 
is drastically reduced.

Now, one could say, right, lets just invoke `template.HTMLEscape(writer, 
instead of `template.HTMLEscapeString`.
I gone down that road too, and its not totally satisfying because it 
actually creates
as many new allocations as there are calls to HTMLEscape (see the 
[]byte(string) conversion).

In the end, i decided to use a buffer, it creates a static extra allocation,
at beginning of every template function, but avoid so many possible and 
string to byte conversion.

Finally, html escaping string looks like this,

func fnaTplaTpl0(t parse.Templater, w io.Writer, indata interface { }) 
error { 
var bw bytes.Buffer
// ...
 template.HTMLEscape(w, bw.Bytes())

Doing so the allocation count stays very low stable, and it s still 
possible to reduce cpu usage.

I looked into the std packages, i could not find an obvious way to 
implement that optimization, 
maybe you have some ideas ?

Anyway, there s still a lot to do on this compiler!
The next steps will be 
- to remove duplicated std package, i made my mind to not even try to patch 
core code.
- to implement more optimizations
- to improve the end user programmatic interface

That's it!

On Saturday, January 21, 2017 at 3:58:53 PM UTC+1, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been working on a package to compile go templates to regular go 
> code.
> Today i can announce an early release of it.
> Find it here 
> https://github.com/mh-cbon/template-compiler
> There is still have a lot to test and comment, 
> and to detect some edge cases.
> But the general idea and structure exists, does work,
>  and shows a way to make that happen.
> If you are interested to get this production ready, 
> i d like very much to see your questions and PR!
> Being in a hurry, this announce is very short, 
> I expect a more detailed announce later.
> This said, i d like to ask the go team if the template package
> could have a new structure to register a func as a template,
> see 1 
> <https://github.com/mh-cbon/template-compiler/blob/master/std/text/template/compiled.go>,
> 2 
> <https://github.com/mh-cbon/template-compiler/blob/master/std/text/template/parse/compiled.go>
> and 3 
> <https://github.com/mh-cbon/template-compiler/blob/master/std/text/template/exec.go#L247>
> Finally, i want to take chance of this message to wish
> to the golang, core team, contributors, users
> an happy new year and all the best for 2017!
> Happy coding!

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