building in xubuntu 16.04 LTS ##### API check stat /csspc/etc/go/src/cmd/api/run.go: no such file or directory 2017/01/28 10:51:46 Failed: exit status 1 2017/01/28 10:51:46 FAILED
doing an ls of above directory: admin1@tp13:/csspc/etc/go/src$ ls /csspc/etc/go/src/cmd/api ls: cannot access '/csspc/etc/go/src/cmd/api': No such file or directory admin1@tp13:/csspc/etc/go/src$ I do find an api directory elsewhere admin1@tp13:/csspc/etc/go/api$ ls except.txt go1.2.txt go1.4.txt go1.6.txt go1.txt README go1.1.txt go1.3.txt go1.5.txt go1.7.txt next.txt admin1@tp13:/csspc/etc/go/api$ *Is this a known issue ... I get this error also building on another machine ???????* here is full output of the build: admin1@tp13:/csspc/etc/go/src$ time ./all.bash ##### Building Go bootstrap tool. cmd/dist ##### Building Go toolchain using /csspc/etc/go.old. bootstrap/internal/sys bootstrap/asm/internal/flags bootstrap/internal/bio bootstrap/compile/internal/big bootstrap/internal/gcprog bootstrap/internal/obj bootstrap/internal/obj/arm bootstrap/internal/obj/arm64 bootstrap/internal/obj/mips bootstrap/internal/obj/ppc64 bootstrap/internal/obj/s390x bootstrap/internal/obj/x86 bootstrap/asm/internal/lex bootstrap/link/internal/ld bootstrap/asm/internal/arch bootstrap/compile/internal/ssa bootstrap/asm/internal/asm bootstrap/asm bootstrap/link/internal/amd64 bootstrap/link/internal/arm bootstrap/link/internal/arm64 bootstrap/link/internal/mips64 bootstrap/link/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/link/internal/s390x bootstrap/link/internal/x86 bootstrap/link bootstrap/compile/internal/gc bootstrap/compile/internal/arm bootstrap/compile/internal/amd64 bootstrap/compile/internal/arm64 bootstrap/compile/internal/ppc64 bootstrap/compile/internal/mips64 bootstrap/compile/internal/s390x bootstrap/compile/internal/x86 bootstrap/compile ##### Building go_bootstrap for host, linux/amd64. runtime/internal/sys runtime/internal/atomic runtime sync/atomic unicode/utf16 internal/race sort errors internal/syscall/windows/sysdll unicode math unicode/utf8 encoding sync syscall internal/singleflight io container/heap hash hash/adler32 strconv bytes strings bufio path crypto reflect encoding/base64 regexp/syntax crypto/sha1 internal/syscall/windows internal/syscall/windows/registry time regexp os os/signal path/filepath encoding/binary fmt io/ioutil go/token compress/flate net/url debug/dwarf encoding/json text/template/parse flag log context os/exec go/scanner go/ast compress/zlib text/template debug/macho debug/elf go/parser go/doc go/build cmd/go ##### Building packages and commands for linux/amd64. runtime/internal/sys runtime/internal/atomic runtime internal/race errors sync/atomic unicode math unicode/utf8 sort container/list sync container/ring crypto/subtle container/heap io syscall internal/nettrace internal/singleflight encoding unicode/utf16 image/color internal/syscall/windows/sysdll hash hash/adler32 hash/crc32 crypto/cipher crypto/hmac hash/crc64 hash/fnv image/color/palette runtime/trace bytes strings runtime/race cmd/compile/internal/test cmd/vet/internal/whitelist strconv math/rand bufio path text/tabwriter vendor/golang_org/x/net/lex/httplex html math/cmplx compress/bzip2 reflect regexp/syntax crypto crypto/aes time crypto/sha512 crypto/md5 internal/syscall/unix crypto/rc4 crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 encoding/base64 encoding/ascii85 encoding/base32 image encoding/pem regexp os image/internal/imageutil image/jpeg image/draw path/filepath runtime/debug os/signal cmd/internal/pprof/svg io/ioutil encoding/binary fmt cmd/internal/sys crypto/des index/suffixarray flag log debug/dwarf compress/flate debug/gosym debug/plan9obj cmd/vendor/ cmd/vendor/ archive/tar cmd/internal/obj compress/zlib debug/macho debug/pe debug/elf archive/zip compress/gzip cmd/internal/goobj compress/lzw context math/big encoding/hex go/token os/exec database/sql/driver go/scanner encoding/csv cmd/internal/objfile database/sql go/ast encoding/gob encoding/json cmd/addr2line encoding/xml go/parser crypto/dsa crypto/elliptic encoding/asn1 crypto/rand go/printer crypto/rsa vendor/golang_org/x/net/http2/hpack crypto/ecdsa crypto/x509/pkix mime mime/quotedprintable net/http/internal net/url text/template/parse go/constant text/scanner image/gif image/png runtime/pprof cmd/cgo go/format testing go/types internal/trace net/internal/socktest text/template testing/iotest internal/testenv testing/quick cmd/internal/obj/arm cmd/internal/obj/arm64 cmd/internal/obj/mips go/doc html/template cmd/internal/obj/ppc64 go/build cmd/internal/obj/s390x cmd/internal/obj/x86 cmd/asm/internal/flags cmd/asm/internal/lex runtime/cgo cmd/internal/bio go/internal/gccgoimporter go/internal/gcimporter cmd/compile/internal/big cmd/internal/gcprog cmd/compile/internal/ssa cmd/cover go/importer cmd/dist net os/user cmd/asm/internal/arch cmd/doc cmd/asm/internal/asm cmd/fix cmd/asm cmd/gofmt cmd/internal/pprof/profile cmd/internal/pprof/tempfile cmd/link/internal/ld cmd/nm cmd/objdump cmd/internal/pprof/plugin cmd/internal/pprof/report cmd/internal/pprof/symbolizer cmd/internal/pprof/symbolz cmd/internal/pprof/commands cmd/pack cmd/vet/internal/cfg cmd/internal/pprof/driver crypto/x509 net/textproto net/http/httptrace mime/multipart log/syslog net/mail cmd/vet cmd/yacc crypto/tls cmd/compile/internal/gc cmd/link/internal/amd64 cmd/link/internal/arm cmd/link/internal/arm64 cmd/link/internal/mips64 cmd/link/internal/ppc64 cmd/link/internal/s390x cmd/link/internal/x86 net/http net/smtp cmd/link expvar net/http/cgi net/http/cookiejar net/http/httptest net/http/httputil net/http/pprof net/rpc cmd/go net/http/fcgi cmd/internal/pprof/fetch cmd/trace cmd/pprof net/rpc/jsonrpc cmd/compile/internal/amd64 cmd/compile/internal/arm cmd/compile/internal/arm64 cmd/compile/internal/mips64 cmd/compile/internal/ppc64 cmd/compile/internal/s390x cmd/compile/internal/x86 cmd/compile ##### Testing packages. ok archive/tar 0.065s ok archive/zip 0.075s ok bufio 0.159s ok bytes 0.155s ok compress/bzip2 0.129s ok compress/flate 1.180s ok compress/gzip 0.028s ok compress/lzw 0.035s ok compress/zlib 0.051s ok container/heap 0.004s ok container/list 0.004s ok container/ring 0.015s ok context 0.927s ok crypto/aes 0.058s ok crypto/cipher 0.005s ok crypto/des 0.020s ok crypto/dsa 0.005s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.108s ok crypto/elliptic 0.036s ok crypto/hmac 0.009s ok crypto/md5 0.008s ok crypto/rand 0.024s ok crypto/rc4 0.120s ok crypto/rsa 0.132s ok crypto/sha1 0.029s ok crypto/sha256 0.004s ok crypto/sha512 0.019s ok crypto/subtle 0.017s ok crypto/tls 1.302s ok crypto/x509 1.119s ok database/sql 0.063s ok database/sql/driver 0.017s ok debug/dwarf 0.009s ok debug/elf 0.026s ok debug/gosym 0.458s ok debug/macho 0.004s ok debug/pe 0.010s ok debug/plan9obj 0.006s ok encoding/ascii85 0.003s ok encoding/asn1 0.032s ok encoding/base32 0.004s ok encoding/base64 0.006s ok encoding/binary 0.028s ok encoding/csv 0.004s ok encoding/gob 0.123s ok encoding/hex 0.007s ok encoding/json 0.275s ok encoding/pem 0.022s ok encoding/xml 0.034s ok errors 0.003s ok expvar 0.016s ok flag 0.017s ok fmt 0.204s ok go/ast 0.004s ok go/build 0.127s ok go/constant 0.005s ok go/doc 0.037s ok go/format 0.028s ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.018s ok go/internal/gcimporter 0.749s ok go/parser 0.039s ok go/printer 0.531s ok go/scanner 0.004s ok go/token 0.039s ok go/types 0.736s ok hash/adler32 0.008s ok hash/crc32 0.033s ok hash/crc64 0.003s ok hash/fnv 0.003s ok html 0.006s ok html/template 0.086s ok image 0.129s ok image/color 0.081s ok image/draw 0.067s ok image/gif 0.129s ok image/jpeg 0.229s ok image/png 0.062s ok index/suffixarray 0.019s ok internal/singleflight 0.021s ok internal/trace 0.042s ok io 0.019s ok io/ioutil 0.015s ok log 0.005s ok log/syslog 2.034s ok math 0.005s ok math/big 0.385s ok math/cmplx 0.015s ok math/rand 0.088s ok mime 0.024s ok mime/multipart 0.479s ok mime/quotedprintable 0.304s ok net 1.369s ok net/http 10.703s ok net/http/cgi 0.415s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.006s ok net/http/fcgi 0.019s ok net/http/httptest 0.008s ok net/http/httptrace 0.005s ok net/http/httputil 0.034s ok net/http/internal 0.021s ok net/internal/socktest 0.042s ok net/mail 0.013s ok net/rpc 0.018s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.025s ok net/smtp 0.045s ok net/textproto 0.004s ok net/url 0.008s ok os 0.305s ok os/exec 0.367s ok os/signal 4.315s ok os/user 0.005s ok path 0.006s ok path/filepath 0.048s ok reflect 0.086s ok regexp 0.175s ok regexp/syntax 0.429s ok runtime 24.572s ok runtime/debug 0.009s ok runtime/internal/atomic 0.608s ok runtime/internal/sys 0.021s ok runtime/pprof 1.473s ok runtime/trace 2.568s ok sort 0.063s ok strconv 0.527s ok strings 0.116s ok sync 0.184s ok sync/atomic 0.082s ok syscall 0.020s ok testing 2.051s ok testing/quick 0.070s ok text/scanner 0.004s ok text/tabwriter 0.004s ok text/template 0.487s ok text/template/parse 0.023s ok time 2.534s ok unicode 0.004s ok unicode/utf16 0.003s ok unicode/utf8 0.008s ok vendor/golang_org/x/net/http2/hpack 0.013s ok vendor/golang_org/x/net/lex/httplex 0.003s ok cmd/addr2line 0.815s ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.297s ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.007s ok cmd/compile/internal/big 0.991s ok cmd/compile/internal/gc 13.675s ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 0.343s ok cmd/compile/internal/test 0.025s ok cmd/cover 1.786s ok cmd/doc 0.051s ok cmd/fix 0.014s ok cmd/go 37.333s ok cmd/gofmt 0.087s ok cmd/internal/goobj 0.012s ok cmd/internal/obj 0.010s ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 0.024s ok cmd/internal/pprof/profile 0.015s ok cmd/link 0.011s ok cmd/nm 0.743s ok cmd/objdump 2.105s ok cmd/pack 1.824s ok cmd/vendor/ 0.008s ok cmd/vendor/ 0.274s ok cmd/vet 3.166s ok cmd/vet/internal/cfg 0.004s ##### GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4 ok runtime 43.126s ##### Testing without libgcc. ok crypto/x509 0.679s ok net 0.007s ok os/user 0.016s ##### sync -cpu=10 ok sync 0.140s ##### ../misc/cgo/stdio ##### ../misc/cgo/life ##### ../misc/cgo/test PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/test 1.779s PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/test 1.714s PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/test 1.669s PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/testtls 0.007s PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/testtls 0.004s PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/testtls 0.002s PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/nocgo 0.002s PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/nocgo 0.005s PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/nocgo 0.002s PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/test 1.687s PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/testtls 0.009s PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/nocgo 0.006s ##### Testing race detector ok runtime/race 2.527s ok flag 1.021s ok os/exec 2.047s PASS scatter = 0x5cfe70 hello from C sqrt is: 0 ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/test 3.187s ok flag 1.016s ok os/exec 2.045s ##### ../misc/cgo/testgodefs ##### ../misc/cgo/testso ##### ../misc/cgo/testsovar ##### misc/cgo/testcarchive PASS ##### ../misc/cgo/testcshared ok ##### ../misc/cgo/testshared PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/misc/cgo/testshared 12.096s ##### ../misc/cgo/testasan ##### ../misc/cgo/testsanitizers skipping msan tests: -fsanitize=memory not supported skipping remaining TSAN tests: GCC version 5 (older than 7) ##### ../misc/cgo/errors ##### ../misc/cgo/testsigfwd ##### ../test/bench/go1 testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok _/csspc/etc/go/test/bench/go1 4.542s ##### ../test ##### API check stat /csspc/etc/go/src/cmd/api/run.go: no such file or directory 2017/01/28 10:51:46 Failed: exit status 1 2017/01/28 10:51:46 FAILED real 4m33.543s user 12m0.520s sys 1m48.572s -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "golang-nuts" group. 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