On 17 January 2017 at 18:50, Deepak Jain <deepuj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for pointing to https://github.com/juju/
> utils/blob/master/fs/copy.go
> I was testing Copy function that recursively copies directories. I am able
> to copy first level of files and it creates directories. It fails to copy
> the contents within those directories.
> func Copy(src, dst string) error {...}
> Error
> $ triggerCopyCommand.go
> lstat sd101-jvm/target/*.jar: no such file or directory ---> This is OK.
> As it does not exists.
> lstat sd101-python/sd101/*: no such file or directory  ---> This exists in
> the directory from which Copy is invoked.
> lstat sd101-r/sd101/*: no such file or directory   ---> This exists.
> lstat sd101-shell/sd101/*: no such file or directory ---> This exists.
> $ ls sd101-python/sd101/
> __init__.py prepare setup.py train
> $
> $ ls sd101-r/sd101/
> helloWorld.R
> $ ls sd101-shell/sd101/
> ls: sd101-shell/sd101/: No such file or directory
> $
> Any suggestions ?

It works fine for me. Can you provide a concrete code example that fails
for you?

> Can this code be replicated https://github.com/juju/utils/blob/master/fs/
> copy.go ? Or do you recommend using it as a library ?

That code is LGPL, so it's fine to copy it and use it as long as you keep
its license.
But it's fine to use it as a library too.


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