The Google CLA is based on the Apache CLA
<>, which shares the same copyright
language as the Apache 2.0 License
<> (section 2).  The vast
majority of Google's open source projects use the Apache license, so in
those cases the copyright language is the same.  I get why it can seem a
little bit odd for BSD licensed projects like Go, but as Ian mentions, we
use a single CLA for all projects, so there will be some minor
discrepancies like this from time to time.

(not on from my account right now, but I manage Google's CLA

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 9:48 AM, Ian Lance Taylor <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 10:58 PM, Xavier Combelle
> <> wrote:
> > Le 05/01/2017 à 07:01, Ian Lance Taylor a écrit :
> >
> >> On Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 8:21 PM, Xavier Combelle
> >> <> wrote:
> >>> I was interested in contributing in golang, but was afraid to
> contribute
> >>> because of signing the CLA. After rereading it, I thought that I might
> be
> >>> too much worrying.
> >>>
> >>> Can someone explain in non juridical words what it means.
> >>>
> >>> I was particularly worried by the copyright license terms.
> >>>
> >>> "Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
> this
> >>> Agreement, You hereby grant to Google and to recipients of software
> >>> distributed by Google a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,
> >>> royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare
> derivative
> >>> works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and
> distribute
> >>> Your Contributions and such derivative works."
> >>>
> >>> For what I understand it goes further than BSD licensing, for example
> it
> >>> doesn't imply that the BSD copyright notice must stay in code source
> and
> >>> along with binary distribution.
> >> I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are asking.  The copyright
> >> license agreement, which you sign if you want to contribute code to
> >> the Go project, is not the same as the BSD license, which is the
> >> license used for the Go distribution.  We explicitly don't want every
> >> contributor to produce their own version of the BSD license; we want
> >> all the code to be distributed under the copyright of "The Go
> >> Authors."
> >>
> >> It is true that if you sign the CLA and give the code to Google that
> >> Google could then re-release the code under a license other than the
> >> BSD license.  There is no reason for Google to do that, but it would
> >> be permitted to do so.  But that is not significantly different from
> >> what the BSD license permits anyhow.  The BSD license, unlike, say,
> >> the GPL, permits additional restrictions to be placed on the code.
> >> The only relevant difference between the CLA and using the BSD license
> >> yourself is that Google could distribute the code while omitting the
> >> BSD license entirely.  Do you find that to be troublesome?
> >>
> >> Ian
> >>
> > Yes I found very troublesome that google has the right to omit BSD
> license entirely by doing that it has rights that other contributors don't
> have.
> > They have also the right to totally replace it by their license of choice
> What specific rights are you concerned about?
> The BSD license already allows everyone to add additional
> restrictions, provided that they do not actually remove the BSD
> license.  So, yes, contributing code under the CLA would permit Google
> to take your code and distribute it with additional restrictions and
> also without the BSD license used by the Go project.  That is a
> change, but it does not seem to me to be a change that actually
> matters.
> The reason that Google writes the CLA in this way is so that people
> can sign a single CLA in order to contribute to any Google project.
> Google has many free software projects under different licenses.  It's
> simpler for most people, and certainly simply for the project
> developers, if people sign a single CLA, rather than to sign a
> separate CLA for each project.
> >> We explicitly don't want every
> >> contributor to produce their own version of the BSD license; we want
> >> all the code to be distributed under the copyright of "The Go
> >> Authors."
> >
> > The point of using the go license as it is stated is to guarantee that
> by reusing the code, contributors can't produce their own version of BSD
> license.
> That isn't what I said, and it's not what I meant.  Contributors can
> make their own copy of the Go code and add their own license.  What I
> meant is that the Go distribution itself, the one that we distribute
> on, comes with a single license.  Once someone has a copy
> of that code, there is nothing preventing them from distributing it
> under a different license, as long as they also keep a copy of the BSD
> license.
> > The fact it will be distributed under this terms is pretty much
> guaranteed for all distribution except precisely the distribution made by
> google.
> That is true in the limited sense that any distribution starting from
> has to keep a copy of the Go license, whereas Google would
> be permitted to make a distribution without a copy of the Go license.
> But that is not a big difference, since the Go license does not
> prohibit additional restrictions.
> > It looks like a huge contradiction in your speech.
> I'm sorry, I don't see the contradiction.
> > As long as CLA is necessary for google to have additionnal guarantee
> about patent free contributions or different thing like that I would
> understand, but giving them the right to arbitrary license beyond what
> already generously allow the BSD license for the code I wrote under unknown
> condition is hard to understand for me.
> I think this will be clearer once you understand that the BSD license
> does not prohibit adding additional restrictions to your own copy.  To
> put it in free software terms, the BSD license, unlike the GPL,
> permits proprietary forks.
> Ian
> --
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