Hi Daniel. 

I participated in the great Go survey on dependency management a while back 
and raised these concerns there.
I read the summary of that once it was completed and was kinda disappointed 
to see that none of this points seem to be getting addressed or even 
acknowledged as a problem.


Sure, govendor can force using a private repo for a library. Not it does 
not force it for all its dependencies, so you're back to the same clunky 
management of every single library with a custom path/repo for every single 
one of them.

The core issue is Go's insistence on using the VCS path of a library as its 
import path, unlike any other language out there.
There is no way to create a central repo with all packages and point to it. 
Even Rust got this right on day one, with crates.io.

I understand this was one of the opinionated decisions the Go creators made 
in the early days,
but the end result is that we simply cannot even touch Go as a potential 

I don't think this is a side effect they envisioned when they made this 
decision. :-( 

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