Don't know how to make 'X' simple, but you can use a strategy like which at least minimizes allocations 
by only Unmarshal'ing the k:v pairs of interest.

On Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 8:48:03 AM UTC-7, Alexander Petrovsky 
> Hello!
> By example I have follow json {a:1, b:2, c:str, d:123, ..., z99: 1, z100: 
> 10}, suppose it's veeery big json, and I don't need the whole fields in my 
> little struct:
> Struct {
> a int `json:"a"`
> y int  `json:"y"`
> }
> What I want? I want smart unmarshaler that can unmarshal my json to 
> struct, and the other KVs (without 'a' and 'y' fields) put (by example) to 
> some additional variable X. After some machinery I want to marshal data 
> back my struct fields and payload from X. How can I do it the most 
> effective?
> Right now I use map[string]interface{}, but it affetcs my application 
> latency due it causes many GC.

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