On Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 12:50:09 PM UTC-4, Bill Warner wrote:
> Yes it's just a fragment. Let me clean it up a bit, then I'll share a 
> playground link.
> On 11/1/16 12:47 PM, Volker Dobler wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 1. November 2016 02:07:49 UTC+1 schrieb 
>> Hello all,
>> I'm new to Go, and I have a question about identifying types as they're 
>> encountered in traversing a map[string]interface{}.
>> I've ended up with a big sieve of type assertions something like this:
>>         if mt.Mi, ok = m.(map[string]int); ok {
>>             nval, ok = mt.Mi[mk]
>>         } else if mt.MI, ok = m.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
>>             nval, ok = mt.MI[mk]
>>         } else if mt.Mai, ok = m.(map[string][]int); ok {
>>             nval, ok = mt.Mai[mk]
>>         } else if mt.Mas, ok = m.(map[string][]string); ok {
>>             nval, ok = mt.Mas[mk]
>>         } else if mt.Mmm, ok = m.(map[string]map[string]interface{}); ok {
>>             nval, ok = mt.Mmm[mk]
>> mt here is a struct that performs no work; it just associates a type to a 
>> name, so that the run-time can see the types of the left and the right 
>> sides of the assignment and determine if an assignment is possible. I 
>> really hate looking at that statement, but all my attempts at using 
>> reflection have failed as the compiler can't allocate with all the possible 
>> types that could be returned, even though in my application I only want to 
>> allocate for these five types. So that's my question: Can I DRY this up?
> The code you showed is basically a noop: If this is going to compile
> than nval must be of type interface {} and you could replace all this
> with a simple
>     nval = m
> You either did not show the last else-block or something is strange here.
> V.

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