
It seems that the built-in append does not check for a situation like
the following, and needlessly copies data, when it could avoid it.

  func appendBytes(a, b []byte) []byte {
          if len(b) == 0 {
                  return a
          // Shouldn't append() check for something like this?
          if cap(a) >= len(a)+len(b) && &a[:len(a)+1][len(a)] == &b[0] {
                  return a[:len(a)+len(b)]
          return append(a, b...)

If I'm following the breadcrumbs correctly, they lead to the fact that
runtime-memmove() does *not* short-circuit when source and destination
addresses are the same (I may be wrong, though).

Running the benchmark at:


for any value of N, demonstrates this.

Rather marginal (and possibly very contrived) case, but I though I'd
point it out...


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