Although what you are saying makes a lot of sense(thanks!), I see that my 
program is just using a 5 second timeout. Is it possible that it can still 
lead to this performance profile? 

On Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 10:22:09 AM UTC-7, 
> Does your program set a very large Timeout on its mdns requests (maybe 
> tens of hours long)?
> It looks like your program is consuming a lot of CPU cycles on managing 
> timers. On the left half of the flame graph, lots of CPU cycles are spent 
> in runtime.timerproc. Time here indicates a large number of active timers 
> (from time.NewTimer or time.After). The CPU cycles attributed to 
> runtime.sysmon in the right half of the flame graph are a side effect of 
> the runtime.timerproc goroutine doing a large number of short sleeps.
> So why are there a large number of active timers in your process? It looks 
> like the mdns package has a bug wherein it sets a timeout on operations, 
> but never cancels that timeout if the operation completes successfully. 
> Instead of using time.After, the mdns package should use time.NewTimer and 
> then defer a call to Stop: 
> The default timeout is one second, but it seems likely that your process 
> specifies a much larger timeout—likely a couple of days to match how long 
> it takes before the CPU usage levels out.
> You can fix this behavior in your program by using a smaller timeout, so 
> the "leaked" timers are released sooner, so there's a smaller number active 
> at any time. The mdns package should also be changed to clean up its timer 
> before the query method returns, via time.NewTimer and defer Stop.
> On Monday, October 17, 2016 at 11:51:52 AM UTC-7, Abhay Bothra wrote:
>> We are using Hashicorp's mdns library ( 
>> for node discovery, with a frequency of 1 mdns query / minute. The CPU 
>> consumption by the process increases very gradually over a couple of days, 
>> going from 2-3% to 20-30% over 3-4 days. From the runtime instrumentation 
>> we have done, the number of go-routines seems to be fairly static.
>> The attached flame-graph from the pprof output suggests that a log of CPU 
>> is being spent on runtime.goexit and runtime.mstart. To me this seems to 
>> suggest that we are starting very short lived go-routines.
>> - Is it fair to blame lots of short-lived go-routines for this?
>> - What else can lead to this sort of behavior?
>> - How should be go about instrumenting our code in order to be able to 
>> get a root cause?
>> Really appreciate any help.
>> Thanks!

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