On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 1:12 AM,  <djad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> May be OT, but:
> Can i  translate some GPLv2 licensed C code to GO, and publish it under BSD
> new license ?
> Code comments are from original C code.

Despite some other replies here, I think you probably can, though you
can't copy the comments.  Note that I am not a lawyer.  And, that
said, don't do it, and don't do a clean room reimplementation either.
Respect the wishes of the original author, or explicitly ask
permission.  The free software community runs on respect for coders.
Don't breach that respect.

> Also, Can I in my BSD licensed GO project, link to GPLv2 library ?

Despite some other replies here, the answer to the question is
definitely yes, as long as you respect the requirements that the two
licenses impose on the fully linked program.  People link BSD and
GPLv2 code together all the time.


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