On Wed, 28 Sep 2016, 6:50 PM Devashish Ghosh <devashish.gh...@jabong.com>

> https://github.com/jabong/florest-core A lightweight workflow based REST
> API framework with features like customized workflow, logging, monitoring,
> a/b test, dynamic config, profiling, swagger, database adapters, cache
> adapter.

You have reposted this information about your web framework at least 3
times on this list. This particular thread is over 4 years old. A single
announcement would suffice as opposed to searching for all historical
threads that ask about web framework recommendations.

> On Sunday, June 24, 2012 at 4:35:41 PM UTC+5:30, Max wrote:
>> What web framework do you use your self?
>> Do you create webapps in Go?
>> Is it good idea to create web apps with Go now?
>> Web Framework do you use? I would love to have option to update some page
>> dynamically without server restart.
>> Looks like I have to proxy this pages to some other server or use FCGI.
> --
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