Just leaving my final tank you for everyone! You all really helped!



On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 10:58 PM, Diego Medina <fmpwiz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> First, awesome that you started using Go! some thoughts inline:
>> 1. The sbxs_ prefix is there just because I expect this package to be
>> part of a set of related repositories and I wanted to give them some
>> "unity" through naming. Arguably a bad idea, I am not sure about it.
> I have seen two ways other Go developers have "solve" this,
> 1. Create a dedicated organization/github account for this group of repos,
> like
> http://www.gorillatoolkit.org/
> if you see that link (you probably are familiar with it already but if not)
> you have:
> gorilla/context
> gorilla/mux
> gorilla/reverse
> gorilla/rpc
> gorilla/schema
> gorilla/securecookie
> gorilla/sessions
> gorilla/websocket
> and people in the community refers to them as " ... have you tried gorilla
> mux? ..." , etc
> 2. in your github account you create a repo sbxs, and inside there you add
> a folder go_markydown
> if then you have a new component that is related, you create a new folder,
> go_asciidoc inside sbxs
> this is somewhat similar to juju iirc
> https://github.com/juju/juju
>> 2. I added "go" to the package name because I tend to experiment with
>> different languages from time to time, and therefore I have a reasonable
>> chance to have naming conflicts without it.
> this is a personal preference, you have your reason, sounds good to me :)
>> 3. I added that extra "markydown" directory just because I read on
>> Effective Go that it is a convention to give the package name the same name
>> as the directory, and I thought that "markydown" was a better package name
>> than "sbxs_go_markydown". Maybe I should just use the long package name and
>> let users rename it when importing if they wish? Or is there  some better
>> way?
> skipping this one.
> Thanks!
>> Thanks again!
>> LMB
>> --
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