Taking a quick look; you've got some Vim style .swp files in your git 
repository that should be removed.

Next, in main.go (anyone else start thinking of tropical fruits at this 
point?) you use 'break Loop' when the number of lines exceeds 10, which 
means one long solution can crowd out less wordy ones; maybe have an option 
to print again with no limit? Then again, as you mentioned in the README, 
once you've added some form of recommendation system, you can sort by that 
to push the more highly recommended answers first.

Finally, have a look at http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/abs-guide.pdf

This is a BASH cookbook-style guide that has been explicitly donated to the 
public domain, and should be a fertile resource for populating your library.


On Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 12:52:12 PM UTC-5, johnny-john wrote:
> Hi all!
> Just thought about dropping this link here, the codebase is VERY small, so 
> if you are a newbie looking for a project to get into, have a look: 
> https://github.com/crufter/borg
> Cheers

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