On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 2:09 PM, DrGo <salah.mah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok! So my original post was not clear. Let us say you just executed scan() 
> twice on this string: a= x
> As expected, Scan() returned scanner.Ident for a, followed by a rune 
> indicating the = sign.
> Now, peek() will return 32 for the space whereas scan() returns scanner.Ident 
> for the identifier x. Peek() essentially returns the next rune whereas scan() 
> returns the next token which may or may not be a rune, e.g., it could be an 
> identifierm an iinteger or an page-length raw string.
> Finally, Next() advances the parser reading the next rune, so it is the 
> scanning equivalent of peek().
> My question, should not there be a func that is equivalent in behaviour to 
> scan() except that it doesn't advance the scanner?

Ah, I see what you're asking. I'm not sure that I have a good answer
for that off the top of my head other than "that's not what Peek is
for". Peeking at an entire token would be a waste of time and
generally isn't something you need to do; peeking at a character (eg.
is the next character a '<' or a '>' or are we at the end of a line,
'\n') is more useful when rapidly scanning and lets us make common
decisions earlier than we would otherwise need too while saving a scan

I'm sure someone who knows more about lexing can provide you with a
better answer though.


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