Thank you for the clarification Ian. 

So to sum up: the reason for the number of threads being more than 
GOMAXPROCS, is that a thread has been in a syscall or blocking state, 
perhaps due to opening a file or some I/O operation, and the runtime has 
spawned a new OS-thread to maintain GOMAXPROCS-number of executing threads. 
Therefore, the number of threads above GOMAXPROCS is a product of how much 
simultaneous blocking/cgo/syscalls are performed.

tirsdag 23. august 2016 15.21.07 UTC+2 skrev Ian Lance Taylor følgende:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 1:54 AM, Lars Kulseng < 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > I have tried to find some onformation about how OS-threads are created, 
> and 
> > what their roles are. I know that this doesn't really matter in a lot of 
> > cases since goroutines are multiplexed on top of OS-threads and they are 
> > usually created at startup of the program, but I'm just trying to 
> understand 
> > what is happening. 
> > 
> > Can someone help me understand this? So far, what I have found from 
> various 
> > sources is: 
> > 
> > GOMAXPROCS-number of threads are created to run Go-code, which used to 
> > default to 1, but now defaults to the number of processors (whatever the 
> > system shows as a processor) available to the machine. 
> That is inaccurate.  GOMAXPROCS is the number of threads that the Go 
> scheduler will schedule for simultaneous execution.  It is the number 
> of threads that the Go scheduler will create.  Normally there will be 
> more than GOMAXPROCS threads. 
> > If the code requires a syscall or has the potential to block, another 
> thread 
> > is created for this. 
> Approximately yes.  A better way to describe it would be that if a 
> thread blocks in a syscall or C function, then a new thread will be 
> created in order to maintain the goal of having GOMAXPROCS threads 
> simultaneously executing Go code. 
> > More thread(s) are created for GC 
> Not really.  Extra goroutines are created for GC, but they are 
> scheduled onto the threads like other goroutines.  Also some GC work 
> is done by ordinary goroutines as they allocate memory.  Various 
> mechanisms ensure that the GC gets enough CPU time to keep the program 
> from running out of memory. 
> > All of this is probably system-dependent, and Go-version dependent as 
> well, 
> > so I know it's not the easiest thing to answer in a simple way. 
> That is true, I'm describing the gc toolchain version 1.7. 
> Ian 

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